
No historic precedent

for this histrionic president

At least, not of this order

Wracking up this level of disorder

Or maybe there is

but we never noticed

That it was always performance

that politics IS showbiz

Cos there’s no business like it

no one I know

With actors, directors

the whole thing is a show

We think we assemble the cast

based off an old play from our past

A piece called ‘democracy’ from Greece

that critics raved ‘brings equality and peace’

But this events been defiled

adapted beyond recognition

The story has lost it’s form

has lost it’s mission

To empower the many

against the few

Now we’re locked in

and form an orderly queue

To see farce become tragedy

because we thought it comedy

The stage did collapse

Scottish play can’t match the stats

All stories need conflict

that much is true

We have the villains on show

The hero could be you

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